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The atmosphere of health!

19 декабря 2021

1 Nadtochey G.A. Candidate of Biological Sciences, Y.R. Kovalenko Federal State Budgetary Research University of RES.

2. Smolensky V.I. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of MGAVMIB-MBA named after K.I. Scriabin.

3. Kiselev A.L. Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor of the MGAVMIB-MBA named after K.I. Scriabin.

With all the positive aspects of the use of the ANTISEPTIC STIMULATOR DOROGOV, many specialists and employees of livestock and poultry enterprises are confused by the smell of this drug.

In this article we tried to give an objective assessment of its properties.

The invention and research of the second and third fractions of the ANTISEPTIC STIMULATOR DOROGOV began with the study of its effect on the violation of peroxidation processes in animals and humans caused by the use of weapons of mass destruction and continued in medicine, and then in veterinary medicine. The preparations have proven to be effective for external and internal use [10].

However, the processes of peroxidation in the body of animals and humans are disrupted, and very significantly, and in other cases:

The main therapeutic property of the ANTISEPTIC STIMULATOR DOROGOV, noted by many authors and practitioners of production, is that it is a highly effective biogenic modulator of metabolic processes and immunity [7,8]. It is a complex of organic and inorganic low molecular weight components, which, precisely due to their specific combination, provide targeted transport of active substances in the body, their free movement in the intercellular space and through cell membranes.

The protein precursors contained in the antiseptic stimulant D-2 and D-3 fractions - methionine, creatinine, choline, serotonin, etc. stimulate the formation of enzymes, glutathione, etc., mediators and informational proteins, which leads to intensive synthesis of missing substances and their compounds in the body and, ultimately, normalization of the metabolic processes of the body, as a result, their resistance to stress factors and the speed of adaptation to environmental conditions sharply increases [2,5].

Later, in the works of such scientists as Kochish I.I., Kiselev L.Yu., Lazareva O.H., Linnik A.A., Naidensky M.S., Nesterov V.V., the possibilities of using aerosols of these drugs were investigated.

The main active substances in the antiseptic stimulant D-2 and D-3 fractions are:

Methylamine acetate (an activator of the synthesis of biological amines), occurs in nature, mostly in essential oils of plants (for example, up to 8.9% in various types of mint[1][2], up to 28.2% in labaznik [3], up to 44% in jasmine[4]), and in food products (for example, in cognacs of long-term aging [5]).

Methyl Mercaptan (thiol cofactor donor).

Methylurea (a component of the synthesis of free fatty acids, is a cytostatic (inhibiting cell growth) alkylating agent (causing chemical processes in the cell that lead to a violation of the stability of DNA - deoxyribonucleic acid, contained mainly in the cell nucleus and is a carrier of gene information), has antitumor activity against a number of malignant tumors. In medicine, it is used for lymphogranulomatosis (cancer of the lymphatic system, in which dense formations consisting of rapidly growing cells are formed in the lymph nodes and internal organs), lung cancer, mainly small cell, melanoma (cancer developing from pigment-forming cells), malignant lymphomas (cancer originating from lymphoid tissue).

Cyclopentane is an intermediate product of the synthesis of purine and pyrimidium bases. It normalizes free radical substitution reactions.

Asphaltenes are inhibitors of the synthesis of radical reactions. Decane is an intermediate product of the synthesis of esters, alcohols, ketones, a participant in the processes of oxidation and reduction, synthesis of vitamins, fatty acids, carotenoids, used in the production of, for example, biodegradable detergents.

Toluene is a participant in the synthesis of aromatic hydrocarbons.

These low molecular weight components lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of cell receptors to immunoglobulin E, increased production of interferons, activation of histaminase action, inhibit the synthesis of pro-inflammatory cytokines, lipid peroxidation reactions and the formation of free radicals, lead to increased regenerative cell division [5,7].

But, at the same time, having unique therapeutic properties, the ANTISEPTIC STIMULANT D-2 and D-3 fractions, as already mentioned at the beginning of the article, has a specific smell, which is due to the fact that, for example, Methyl Mercaptan is a colorless gas with a strong odor resembling the smell of rotten cabbage.

It is formed during the degradation of sulfur-containing organic compounds, primarily during the decay of proteins, which include sulfur-containing amino acids [9].

Cyclopentane is a colorless liquid with the smell of kerosene

Dean is a colorless liquid with a gasoline smell;

Toluene - this compound is a colorless liquid with a sharp and specific odor.

Modern research methods have established that ANTISEPTIC STIMULATOR D-2 and D-3 fractions are a complex composition of over 100 chemical compounds, but it is this natural mixture of substances obtained from biological tissues that has unique therapeutic properties. Such a mixture cannot be created artificially in a test tube.

But, we must understand that it is in the complex that these active substances form the specific smell of the antiseptic stimulant D-2 and D-3 fractions, that the smell is an obligatory factor accompanying its therapeutic effectiveness due to the presence of the above compounds in its composition. It is important that this property of the drug is its exclusive therapeutic factor and has a positive effect on animal products.

On the other hand, we know that industrial animal husbandry is an industry where disinfection, disinsection, deratization, etc., which have not only unpleasant odors, but also cause burns, dangerous allergenic and oncogenic reactions that suppress immunity, are widely used. These are, first of all, formaldehyde, chlorine compounds, inorganic acids and alkalis, and many others [1,6]. Nevertheless, this does not prevent their use, both due to the fact that employees are accustomed to the methods of their use, and due to the inefficiency or high cost of other drugs. Therefore, specialists should definitely take into account their impact on the body of animals and humans, as well as on the quality of livestock products[1].

The use of antiseptic stimulator D-2 and D-3 fractions, as practice shows, on the contrary, contributes to strengthening the necessary parameters of the body's immunity of both animals and humans, suppressing allergic reactions and oncogenic processes, faster wound healing, restoration of normal vital activity of the body, its productive and reproductive abilities [3,4].


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